Up until I read The Piper's Son, Saving Francesca was my favorite Marchetta book. Now though, it seems hard to separate the two from one whole in my mind.
While each is a complete novel in their own right, focusing on different protagonists and storylines, they compliment each other in a way I have never seen before. At the end of Saving Francesca I thought the story was over, but I was wrong. There was more to tell and it makes me realise the richness and depth of all of Marchetta's characters. They're not just names who only exist in their interactions with the main character, but they exist as real people with families, frustrations and histories all waiting to be told. Truth be told, a sequel book could have been written about any of Francesca's friends. I now find myself hoping for a book about Jimmy is not too far away.
Overall, I loved this book. I loved seeing how the characters grew and developed. How no one was perfect but somehow that was ok. And I always love how Marchetta can make her characters grow and develop. It was a joyful experience, as always.