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my very original book blog *woot*

I'm a slow reader but I love books. I hope to read more every year. 30 Books this year!

Currently reading

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
Galatians for You: For Reading, for Feeding, for Leading
Timothy Keller
Life In A West German Town
Robin Sawers
Shepherding a Child's Heart
Tedd Tripp
Concise Theology
J.I. Packer
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes
Proverbs: The Tree of Life
Graeme Goldsworthy, Paul Barnett
Stirrings Of The Soul: Evangelicals And The New Spirituality
Michael Raiter
The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection
Arthur Conan Doyle

Magicians' Guild (Black Magician Trilogy 1)

The Magicians' Guild - Trudi Canavan I'm glad I didn't read this book (the first book) first or I might not have persevered. Having read the prequel and knowing the potential quality of Trudi Canavan's work I was a bit disappointed with this one. It had a slight air of amateurism about it and was a little boring. However, the second and third books are much much better. Things start to unravel and we get to delve into more interesting plot lines.
Trudi does have a knack for keeping the momentum going which I very much appreciate and I really enjoy Sonea as a character, though I'm not very fond of Cery. A bit too much of him in the first book. I don't really know why I don't like him, perhaps because he moons over Sonea too much.
At any rate, the series is excellent even if the first book starts off a little slow.