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my very original book blog *woot*

I'm a slow reader but I love books. I hope to read more every year. 30 Books this year!

Currently reading

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
Galatians for You: For Reading, for Feeding, for Leading
Timothy Keller
Life In A West German Town
Robin Sawers
Shepherding a Child's Heart
Tedd Tripp
Concise Theology
J.I. Packer
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes
Proverbs: The Tree of Life
Graeme Goldsworthy, Paul Barnett
Stirrings Of The Soul: Evangelicals And The New Spirituality
Michael Raiter
The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection
Arthur Conan Doyle

The Will of the Empress (Circle Continues)

The Will of the Empress - Tamora Pierce I'm almost tempted to put this one up to four stars... but not quite. Definitely the best in the series with some excellent character development showing the very human aspects of the main characters. There were also some genuinely interesting characters side characters that I enjoyed reading about.
It did, however, still have an air of predictability and not quite enough action and adventure. While Tamora Pierce has certainly built up the characters of this series it can in no way match any of her others which are in my opinion, epic.