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my very original book blog *woot*

I'm a slow reader but I love books. I hope to read more every year. 30 Books this year!

Currently reading

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
Galatians for You: For Reading, for Feeding, for Leading
Timothy Keller
Life In A West German Town
Robin Sawers
Shepherding a Child's Heart
Tedd Tripp
Concise Theology
J.I. Packer
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes
Proverbs: The Tree of Life
Graeme Goldsworthy, Paul Barnett
Stirrings Of The Soul: Evangelicals And The New Spirituality
Michael Raiter
The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection
Arthur Conan Doyle

The Farseekers: The Obernewtyn Chronicles - Book Two

The Farseekers - Isobelle Carmody I'd really like to give this one 4.5 stars. I tend to be quite sceptical as I read books, assuming that the author is leading me into a long boring part of a story where no real action or surprising plot twists can be had. I love it when an author proves me wrong.
The action in this book is really rather good. Definitely engaging and absolutely capable of keeping me wanting to read more.
I must say, that by the end of the book I was getting a bit sick of all the obstacles. I tend to get impatient and just want all the characters I love to get home to the people they love. And despite my frustration, I think it was all necessary.
I was given a satisfying sense of completion of this league of the journey and can eagerly await reading the next book knowing that there are a few unanswered questions that I'm excited to delve into. A perfect second-in-a-series feeling.
All the old elements that I loved from Obernewton were still there, and I especially liked the addition of a few new lovable animal characters.