"We walk into the future in a God-glorifying confidence, not because the future is known to us but because it is known to God. And that's all we need to know. Worry about the future is not simply a character tic, it is the sin of unbelief, an indication that our hearts are not resting on the promises of God."
For me, this quote sums up the book. Encouraging, admonishing and truthful. It reminds me of the promises that my God makes to be faithful to me so I can lead a life without fear or anxiety.
Easier said that done, thus this is a book I will have to return to again.
Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung is divided into ten easy to read (if slightly repetitive) chapters. It is DeYoung mission to deprogram the mindset so many of us have where we wait around seeking God's specific guidance, thinking ourselves to be spiritual, instead of using our God-given minds to get out there and lead godly lives.
DeYoung starts out general and uses scripture to address the actualities of Gods will and how it affects our lives. He also includes many practical examples of where the problems lay in treating God like a magic 8 ball and culminates in very practical specific advice about two of our trickiest decisions (job seeking and getting married).
By the end of the book readers will have a clear biblical understanding about what it really means to live in God's will and know how to please God with the way we live our lives and make decisions.
There were a couple of negatives, one of them being that the book was quite repetitive but that can be a positiver depending on how you look at it. Hard-headed readers might need the repetitiveness.
Another issue that I had with the book was that when it came to the end with the practical advice for getting married, it left single women who want to get married but can't find anyone up the creek without a paddle. DeYoung has lots to say to young men who put off asking out girls or getting married and rests the delay squarely on their shoulders but little to say for women. The piece of advice I think is missing is that if there is no looming marriage proposal hanging on the horizon, don't just sit around waiting for it. Go on camps, get involved in ministry, do what you want with the many opportunities you have before you as a single woman and pray that God will either send you a suitable husband or give you satisfaction in Him if singleness is what he has in mind for you.
On the whole though this is a very helpful book. One that I would recommend everyone read, especially all school leavers/ uni students. Four stars.