While the story was very challenging, I'd have to say that the overall message troubled me. It seemed to have the idea of what wasn't love right, that being a relationship born out of convenience and mutual attractiveness. But it didn't hit the nail on the head with what love actually is. It made romantic love seem like something that happens when you see someone and can't get them out of your head, even though you don't know much about them. If you get 'that feeling' then it's love. If that were true I would have been 'in love' with countless actors I've seen in movies over the years and Edward Cullen would have had a truck load of women who were genuinely 'in love' with each him. I don't like those kinds of messages hidden away in serious books. It makes it seem more real, which it's not.
Ganglands though was interesting and held my attention. Reasonably well written, though nothing to get excited about.